While there are several things that the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires employers to do for their employees, there are many things that aren’t specifically required. Many of these things are considered perks of certain positions, but they aren’t things that must be done. It is important for you to know these things so that you can ensure your company is protecting its own interests, as well as those of the employees who count on you to earn a living.
The FLSA doesn’t cover anything about pay raises beyond the set minimum wage and overtime pay. It doesn’t require that employers give employees more pay for weekends or holidays. Nowhere in the standards does it require vacation time, severance pay, holiday pay or sick leave. It also doesn’t cover the family wage payment method and timeline or anything related to discharge notices.
There are many areas noted previously that might be covered by other laws and regulations, but employees shouldn’t try to state that they require those things based on the FLSA. It is important for companies to find out exactly what laws apply to their business. This can help you avoid litigation down the road.
Another area where the FLSA comes into the picture is when there are workers who aren’t adults. Special laws are in place to protect children who are in the workforce. For some laws, people age 16 years old and older are considered adults, so be sure to find out about special provisions if you employ minors. Additionally, some industries might be exempt from some of these rules.