Protecting your company is a priority, and you are one of the best people who can do this based on the fact that you are the business owner. It is imperative that you take the steps that are necessary to ensure that everyone in your company has what they need to do their jobs without having any legal missteps.
We know that trying to think about what might go wrong so you can protect your company against them isn’t an easy task. We are here to help you learn about what you need to do to minimize the chance that you are going to have to deal with a liability.
There are a few areas that you can focus on when you need to protect your company. One of these is employee-client interaction. Make sure that you are clear that any form of discrimination from either party isn’t acceptable. There isn’t any room for clients who refuse to be served by someone based on their gender, race or another protected status.
Another thing that you must have policies against is sexual harassment. This shouldn’t ever be acceptable, whether it is verbal, visual or physical. These matters must be addressed right away in a discreet manner until the outcome of the investigation is known. Even if it is found that there was sexual harassment, it must be handled carefully so that neither side of the matter says that it was addressed improperly.
We know that you are busy trying to grow your company and make sure that you are keeping your reputation in check. We are here to help you explore ways that you can reduce the risk that you are going to have to deal with legal action against your company.