The policies you set for your company have to be in the business’ best interests, but there are legal limits to what you can set. You must ensure that the guidelines you set don’t go against any employee rights laws. Preventing your company from having to face legal action from a disgruntled employee is a big undertaking, but we are here to help you through the process.
One thing that can help you to avoid issues is to put all your policies in a written employee handbook. This gives everyone a place to turn when they need guidance about how to handle a situation. It also helps protect the company since the policies are clearly relayed in writing instead of someone being able to misconstrue the policies.
We realize that there are a lot of regulations and rules for you to keep up on when you’re in charge of employment policies for your company. You need to know local, state and federal laws. We can help you with this aspect of running your company.
You should make sure that you also have a plan for how employee complaints are handled in your company. This might also be placed in written form. Having a proper response protocol further enables you to protect your company.
Employees who have their grievances handled in a professional, appropriate manner aren’t as likely to have a need to take legal action. We are here to help you prevent legal liabilities from occurring, but we can also help you address legal claims against your company that arise from employment issues.